How to use TikTok for Blog Traffic
Image by While Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have been the top social media platforms for years now, new platforms are emerging every day. As a blogger, you know that it’s important to keep an eye on what’s happening in the industry so you can stay ahead of your competition. But where do you start? How do you find out about new social media apps? If only there was a way to get information like this straight from the source… TikTok is one of many social media platforms that people use to post short videos and become popular. It has been around since 2016, but it recently gained a lot of popularity due to how easy it is to share content on the app. With such a large audience (around 700 million users) , TikTok can be used as an excellent way for bloggers and other influencers to drive traffic back to their blogs. In this blog post, we will discuss some ways you can do just that! TikTok is a great way to reach out to a whole new audience of young people who ...